Jaime's 1st Father's Day was very eventful. Not only was it Father's day but we also had Cristiana baptized on that day. Daddy didn't mind sharing the lime light with our little monkey, as he said "what better father's day gift than to consecrate our little one to the Lord." Jaime father's day gifts included a wonderful breakfast in bed, cooked by yours truly, and a few other items including the thermos that Cristiana and I worked on during Mommy and Me earlier that week. Jaime also enjoyed the presence of many friends that blessed our family with their attendance at Cristiana's baptism.
We ventured to the beach again father's day weekend w/my mother and my sister. We did not get lost this time (yippee!) and those horrible rocks were actually above water this time...no sore feet :). Cristiana had a great time w/auntie Jackie (I know she doesn't look too happy but it's so hard to get her to smile for pictures). I like the picture in the middle because it shows how overwhelmed our tiny peanut is in our beach canopy.
You can see my classroom in the background.
She loves staring @ her foot rattles.
We finally bought Cristiana a little seat for her to practice sitting up.She loves it. We decided to buy her the 3 stage seat by Summer Infant instead of the bumbo or the bebepod because it has a strap to secure her in and it comes with a toy/eating tray that turns, almost like an exersaucer. She really enjoys her new point of view in her little seat.
Crisitana does not like binkies. We have tried 3 different brands as well as types of pacifiers and she spits them all out. But she definitely loves her fist. Even when she's on tummy time with both arms supporting her upper body she will go for her fist and of course looses her balance and goes head first into the ground (don't worry, it happens in slow motion so it does not hurt her). I think as her fingers get bigger she'll eventually move on to her thumb but for now, with every part of her still so tiny, she enjoys sticking her entire fist in her mouth.
Here's daddy playing w/Cristiana. She's given him little laughs every time he does this. We can't wait until she gives us full blown crack ups. But it's the beginning.
We decided to take a trip to clearwater beach during memorial day weekend. Needless to say I was terrified because I had no idea how Crisitana would react to the water, the sun, and the heat. We bought a little UV protected canopy, her little bathing suit also had UV protection, the sling I bought for the beach was made of solar veil which had UV protection in it as well as the ability to dry quickly when taken into the water, and we bought baby sun block lotion. Can we say Maite is neurotic or what. Like I said... I was terrified.
The trip should have taken us 2 hrs. on the road actually took us about 4 due to the wonderful directions Jaime got off the Internet (not to blame it on him ;p). The beach we went to was Honeymoon beach state park near Clearwater. It was definitely worth the drive, parking was very close to the beach, the sand was soft and the water warm and clear. There were rocks at the very beginning of the water which gave all of us a nice exfoliating pedicure but once you got to the sand bar, it was heaven. I have to say, even the bathrooms were clean at this park. Cristiana enjoyed the beach so much that she fell asleep after about 10min. in the water. I think she was cozy in the sling with the sound of the waves in the background. We did get home the right way and plan to take the correct route there next time.
Cristiana found her voice the weekend of May 17th. She is quite the chatter box once she gets started... I guess she takes after her parents. Cristiana use to grunt and make other noises prior to this, but once she heard herself, she's never been the same.
Here's Crisitana's 1st trip to a theme park. Cypress Gardens gave all teachers and family members a free day for teacher appreciation so we decided to venture off and see how Crisitana would do in the heat. It turned out to be great. She did extremely well and got to spend time w/her God parents Chantelle and Justin. The park was a nice stroll and definitely not as hectic as the parks here in Orlando.
Here's a video of Crisitana giving daddy real smiles and of course drooling. It's amazing how well she now fits in her Sweat peace swing. When we first brought her home, her head barely reached the teddy bear head positioner. She's getting so big, even though she's still tiny!
The beginning of Cristiana's smiles. One morning as she started to drift off to dream land we caught this on tape. This was extremely exciting for us, but definately not as exciting as her first "real" smile at us while she was wide awake. This video is a bit out of place because it happened before Easter but we wanted to share it since we thought it was so cute. And your lovely soundtrack for this video is provided by my breastpump and me chewing like a cow while eating breakfast.
My 1st Mother's Day!!
My mother was here with us enjoying her 1st grandbaby. Here we are at the Amtrak train station after church. Poor Crisitana is wearing another fluffy dress. Can you see how excited she is!!! Crisitiana gave me the best mother's day gift... she slept through the night for the very 1st time on Saturday night which gave mommy a well rested Mother's Day. When I say slept through the night I mean like 6 hrs. straight, but hey, it's definitely an improvement. So has she done this again??? Only 2 or 3 other days. We're still waking up for a 3:30 am feed.
Let's just say that I was totally aware of my surroundings ( yeah right! ) and aware of what I was doing, especially with the baby.
Okay ... okay... I actually don't remember this at all.
Enjoy the clip