So yes, I am admitting to a huge mommy mistake here on our family blog. As we arrived at Tracy's house for our first pool/playdate, I packed all my stuff in the bag so I could grab Cristiana out of the car and walk up the front door. I decided to lock my car while my door was open just to be able to put my keys away, but I'm sure most of you have guessed by now what happened, yes, I closed my door and locked my bag with my keys in the car. Where was Cristiana you ask, of course, she was locked in the car as well. The past few days the heat index has been quite high and the high on this day was suppose to be around 97. So Cristiana locked in my car out in the sun and keys no where in sight, I tried not to panic. Mommy switched to survival mode and to make a long story short Tracy jumped out of her pool and called the fire dept. It seemed like forever before they arrived. I had 3 firemen and 1 sheriff working on my car for about 10 min or so and unfortunately, as the sheriff said, many new cars are made so theft proof that even they have trouble getting into them. SO, all that man power and unfortunately they ended up having to break my window to get poor little sweaty Cristiana out. She was a trooper as usual though, she didn't cry or scream while she was in the car, only complained a few times, I'm sure because she was hot and was wondering why she was still in the car while I was outside. I thought this would never happen to me, but I guess I was wrong. This was a very humbling experience and I thank GOD my little monkey was OK.
(by the way, the next day I locked Cristiana, Rusty, and I out of our house. But luckily our neighbor had our spare. I was on a roll and it was only Wednesday! Yikes!)
Keys in hand ALWAYS from now on!