I can't believe Cristiana is already a 1yr & 1/2. I swear time flies so quickly.
She had a great Doctor visit. Doc says she looks great and was a wonderful patient as usual. We did spend a lot of time talking about sleeping since after I blogged that she was sleeping better she started her all night long wakings again! (I must have jinxed myself). Besides that she is growing fast and has grown much taller, she's 32in, that puts her in the 70th% which is not bad considering her parents are on the short side. She's 23.4 lbs which keeps on the same 50% curve as before. She got 1 shot during this visit and again my little tough girl didn't even flinch, she's a lot better at that than I am.

She's doing so much now that I don't even know where to start. She's added more words to her vocabulary in English, Spanish, and Sign Language. She's become such a girl, she loves to play kitchen, clean with her small broom, and absolutely loves all her dolls and stuffed animals. Lately she liked to put diapers on all her stuffed animals and she likes for her baby's to do things first before she does them. So sometimes when she does not want to eat something we have to "feed" it to her baby and then she'll eat, if she does not want to change her clothes or her diaper, we have to do it to her baby first and then she'll let us do it, it's even gotten that way with sleeping, though she is very cute about it, she will put her baby to sleep in her crib, she'll cover her with a blanket and give her a kiss good-night (SO CUTE!). She loves walking around in both mommy's and daddy's shoes and tries to unlock the doors as well as start her little car using any key she can find. Did I mention she has gotten taller, so much so that she is able to reach the locks and if it wasn't for me talking the spare key w/me as I stepped outside to put something in the recycling bins she would have locked me out of the house, and yes, this time it would have been her fault NOT MINE. There so much more that Cristiana has learned and does but one thing never changes is that she will always be our crazy little monkey!