For the past week Cristiana has found another fun thing to do around the house. She likes to push her learning table up and down the hallway really fast as she presses the buttons to play music. I guess she likes to hear music as she strolls along the house. It's really cute. This usually goes on for quite a while until she either gets tired or something else catches her attention.
These hallway marathons have been the first time we've seen her push things around, attempting to walk. Cristiana is the type of girl that doesn't try anything unless she KNOWS she can do it. Hence she doesn't really step step behind it in an attempt to push it, she runs with it because she knows she can. She did the same thing when she first pulled herself to stand, no shakiness there, it was right up. I guess it's time to buy her a walker to push around.

Make sure to press the pause button on the music player at the bottom of the page before you watch the video.