The West Side Girls got together to catch up since Amelia and Monica were in Thailand for about a month. We had lunch at a Japanese restaurant and then did some shopping at Once Upon a Child. Those of you in shock that I would eat at a Japanese restaurant with my limited palate, don't worry I only had Tempura Ice cream (fried ice cream), which was very yummy! Once upon a Child has a little play area so we alternated who watched the girls so we could do a little bit of solo shopping which was quite a treat. I can't believe the girls have grown so much in such short amount of time and finally Crisitiana has caught up to both of them (not completely, but more or less, it's definitely not the big difference as seen in a prior post of the west side girls). We had fun as usual gals!

Cristiana approves of her Christmas gift I bought at Once Upon a Child.